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Our Impact

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At Joyful Hands, we believe having adequate school supplies, having access to basic resource centers such as libraries, can support the entity of education and dramatically help pave a path to a successful future.

Imagine the experience of being sent home from school because your tuition payment was overdue. Imagine the experience of not having any supplies for class or just the lack of resources. With this combination of embarrassment and shame, it becomes harder to perform at your best.

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Education is a human right and a crucial resource. Literacy improves health, income, and livelihood. However, data shows that millions of children do not attend schools and these children find themselves deprived of access to learning.

As a result, they become trapped in the generational cycle of poverty suffered by their families and those before them. It is also noted that even when children in lesser developed countries go to school, the quality of their learning leaves them many grades behind the students of wealthier nations.

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We cannot forget that education is supported by making sure children in extreme poverty have their own school supplies, a safe place to attend to gain resources and assistance with homework, school projects, etc.


School is more than a building and a teacher. In developing nations, it is a game changer. It is the key, opening prosperity for the next generation, a door too often kept shut by the strain of daily labors to survive. Looking beyond the building ensures a better global future for today’s youth.